Our experience is less than 2% of churches are prepared for a first-time visitor. If there are thousands of people in your community that don’t go to church, but need to, why doesn’t God send them to your church? Could it be you aren’t prepared for a first-time visitor?
Our results are remarkable and measurable
Our mission is to revitalize the Church so it becomes the center of the community as it once was and how God intended it to be. Our methods have been proven since 2005. Our process takes one year.
Our results are remarkable and they are measurable.
There are four steps to our process:
Prepare your church for growth. While we are sure the people in your church are very friendly and you would welcome any visitor at your next service, we’ve learned that most first-time visitors leave and don’t return because they were bored, confused and asked to do some things they weren’t comfortable doing. We show you how to change that without changing 1% of your liturgy, DNA, culture or what makes your church special to everyone currently attending.
Grow: thousands of people in your community are looking to solve a felt need in their life. They just don’t know the Church has the solution to every felt need they encounter. We deploy three simple tools in your church that bring a steady stream of first-time, unchurched, visitors to your church. The remarkable thing is we have amazing retention rates. They keep coming back and become members.
Expand: new people are coming to your church because of the “felt need” from Step Two. But do you have the solution in place to solve their felt need? We show you how to expand your small groups and ministries (with volunteers) to meet the needs of everyone who visits. It’s amazing how when we put in place a solution to people’s needs, God starts sending more people.
Sustain: Most churches plateau. You set a goal for how big you’d like to get and when you reach the goal you stop. Yet we can’t find in the Bible where it says, ”Therefore go and make disciples but stop when you reach a certain size.” We’ve learned there are some key plays to run that will allow you to grow year after year.

Restore your confidence as a Pastor and get your whole congregation passionate about growing your church.

We want you to retain 100% of your culture, liturgy, DNA and everything that makes your church special. We will show you how to make it attractive to everyone outside your church.

Most churches see results in the first 30 days.
It’s as if God says, “you are taking steps so I will start sending you a few new people.”
Consider our Church Audit
This could be the best time you spend this week. In one hour, we will show you what an unchurched visitor would say about visiting your church. You’ll know whether they leave bored, confused, uncomfortable, or like they just visited a private club and entrance to the club seems difficult. We will also provide you some proven solutions to resolving those first-time visitor responses at no extra cost. There’s no further oblicgation. You pay $100 to have your car diagnosed when something is wrong, please consider spending $100 to have one of our experts diagnose your church’s growth (or lack of).

ONE – Just read the book. If you’re the type of person that says, “just give me the book, I’ll figure it out.” No problem…here’s the book.
It will surface every reason your church isn’t prepared for visitors and how to PREPARE, GROW, EXPAND and SUSTAIN growth.

Take the class.
This is the most popular way to deploy Church Goals in your church. Start by attending the Church Goals 4-week class. Classes are taught live (usually on Thursday’s via Zoom), are recorded and come with a one-on-one coach to help you assimilate what you learn between classes. The class sets the foundation for the 12-month program that takes you step-by-step through the processes of Preparing, Growing, Expanding and Sustaining growth.
The 12-Month Program. 98% of those who attend the Church Goals class roll right into the 12-Month program. The 12 months are broken down into 4 quarters as follows:


The One-on-One Program. For those churches that want to have the Church Goals program tailored specifically for their church, congregation and staff, we will send out a specialist to deploy the program in half-day, full-day or multi-day one-on-one sessions.
Reaching your goals couldn’t be easier with the Church Goals App
- Prioritize your daily activity that’s in alignment with your goals.
- Keep track of what everyone on your team is working on, by priority and weight and know the moment they complete mission critical milestones.
- Keep track of your team so communication and needs between teammates remains open and up to date…works great for volunteers!
- Keep track of your church goals, your ministry goals and your personal goals and see how they all tie together.
We’ve helped over 250 Pastors and Leaders just like you. Read their stories and imagine the potential you have to improve your church life and start growing your church numbers!!
Church Goals helped us see what we were missing and showed us how persistent goals are an essential tool for any organization. The wisdom and encouragement I got from the leaders of the Church Goals were invaluable to me and my ministry. I cannot recommend this class enough.

Conrad O’Brien
Co-Executive Director Global Fellowship
There is so much information available on church leadership that sorting through it all can be overwhelming. Church Goals takes the most vital information and distills it into a six-week, one hour a week class. Coming alongside other busy church leaders who are looking for similar answers makes it an even more valuable experience. The personal coaching follow-up was a blessing during a stressful season of ministry. Give yourself and your church leaders The advantage of a Church Goals class!

Rev. Dale R. Cohen
Senior Pastor First UMC of Florence, Alabama
Church Goals is a game-changer. It is practical, it is relevant, and it will take your ministry to a whole new level. Our churches are better and healthier because of Church Goals.

Allen Larm
Senior Pastor, Phoenix, AZ
“As Jud says, the Church Goals course isn’t rocket science, but it IS shot through with grace that reinspires and reenergizes. Thank you for helping me reclaim and deepen my calling.”

Rev. Andrew Heyes
St. Clements Episcopal Church, Tampa FL
Paradise, California saw 90% of their town burn down form the Camp fire. Over 30,000 people lost their homes and were displaced. Paradise CMA was the largest church in town with approximately 3000 attendees weekly. In one week the church shrunk to less than 600.
Josh Gallagher, Senior Pastor, contacted us asking for help. We walked their entire church staff through the Church Goals program and put in place a plan for the next 12 months. Six months later we received a call from Josh saying they had met their one-year goal (6 months early) and were excited about the future. The church opened a second location, has continued to grow and is thriving.

In our first conversation with David Miller, Rector of St. John’s, he told us he was tired and thinking about retiring. He sounded discouraged and wondered what would happen to the church he had faithfully served at as the senior pastor for many years.
David attended the next Church Goals class and implemented as much of the course materials as he could. David was so encouraged by what he was experiencing at his church, it’s renewed direction, the support of his leadership team and congregation that he brought it to his denomination.
Almost half of the churches in the Diocese that David is part of have now attended a Church Goals class and are now experiencing the same sense of renewal, purpose and results as David.
Often you hear a commercial for something and hear the disclaimer, “individual results may vary” or “the results you just heard are unique.” We make the opposite claim: the results we have are not unique and don’t vary. Churches that go through the Church Goals program do grow, they become healthier and they get back on course for their purpose and calling – to go out and make disciples.